Nowadays, decisions makers have the possibility of minimizing the risks of tomorrow by implementing appropriate strategies or policies based on a reliable modelling of the seismic risk. However, the development of a future seismic risk model needs to account for the physical nature of the earthquake (not only from a long term but also from a short-term occurrence assuming foreshocks and aftershocks), the seismic wave propagation and interaction with the media (reflections, diffraction, focusing, resonance) characterized through a detailed microzonation and the exposure and vulnerability of our cities. From the outset, highly priority has to be given to undertake state-of-the-art research on the role of risk assessment in developing meaningful strategies for managing catastrophic risks, mainly due to earthquakes but probably that it could be applied to other extreme events.
The aim of this Workshop is to present the latest advances of theories and methods for providing accurate results to achieve a risk reduction through scientifically informed strategies or policies.
On the one hand, a reliable and low-cost assessment of seismic hazard, earthquake hazards, vulnerability and damage aimed at reducing risk and worldwide applicable is needed. On the other hand, a better assessment of seismic risk and knowledge-oriented application is achieved when there is greater cooperation between the earthquake engineers, engineering seismologists and civil protection managers.
Many uncertainties and difficulties have to be tackled:
- Earthquake occurrence models and operational earthquake forecasting
- Modification of seismic waves by sedimentary cover
- The effect of alluvial valleys or basins and the local topography
- The spatial correlation of the ground motion
- The vulnerability of historical heritage and current building stock
- The use of time-dependent seismic hazard and risk also indirect effects as landslides, tsunamis, etc. for risk reduction.
The Chief Editor of our Geohazards and Georisks section (Frontiers in Earth Science) has accepted the Research Topic – Seismic Microzonation and Risk Reduction. Therefore, contributions to the workshop can be submitted to this research topic and published after the review process (publishing fees may be applied)
Authors not interested on the journal will have their papers published in the conference proceedings book after the review process (free of cost).
Conference Topics
This workshop invites submissions of Original Research addressing the following themes that include, but are not limited to:
Conference Organization
The conference is organized by Spain (University of Alicante and University of Almería) and Japan (Kaganawa University and Tokyo Metropolitan University) research teams who have been closely working in seismic microzonation and risk reduction.
Organizing Committee
- Assoc. Prof. Sergio Molina
- Prof. Manuel Navarro
- Emeritus Prof. Takahisa Enomoto
- Prof. Yoshiya Oda
Local Committee
- Assoc. Prof. Juan J. Galiana-Merino
- Prof. Jose Delgado
- Assoc. Prof. Igor Gómez-Domenech
- Dr. Juan L. Soler-Llorens
- Dr. Nassim Benabdeloued
- Dr. Jose A. Huesca
- Dr. Yolanda Spairani
Advisory Committee
- Assoc. Prof. Antonio García-Jerez
- Prof. Francisco Vidal
- Prof Belen Benito
- Prof. Luis Pujades
- Prof. Pedro Alfaro
- Assoc. Prof. Ivan Martín
- Jose Enrique Tent
- Assoc. Prof. Arianna Guardiola-Villora
- Prof. Francisco Sanchez-Sesma
- Prof. M. Ordaz
- Prof. J. Lermo
- K. Seo
- K. Irikura
- S. Yasuda
- T. Yokoi
- S. Senna
- Elisa Zuccolo
Conference Venue
13IWSMRR will take place in the conference room Rafael Altamira of the Sede Universitaria Ciudad de Alicante, (University of Alicante) located in Alicante city (30 November 2023) and the conference room «Alfredo Orts» at the University of Alicante located in San Vicente del Raspeig city (01 December 2023).
Alicante city is located in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The campus of the University of Alicante lies in San Vicente del Raspeig, bordering the city of Alicante to the north. More than 25,000 students attend the university.
The Alicante province has been affected by several damaging historical earthquakes, being the 1829 Torrevieja earthquake (maximum felt intensity IX-X) the most important.
The venue of the workshop will be the Sede Universitaria Ciudad de Alicante
Keynote and Invited Lectures

Dr. Elisa Zuccolo ( National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, Italy)
Proceedings and Abstracts Book (pdf book)
Oral Presentations
Poster Presentation
Poster boards will be used to attach two posters in portrait format on each side and authors can use dimensions up to 900 mm width x 1000 mm height
Important Dates
28 February
31 April
Abstracts Submission
Authors who only want to publish the abstract and/or the conference paper in the proceedings book should use the registration to access the online conference platform, download the abstract and paper template and submit it before the deadline.
Authors who want his conference paper published in the Research topic of Frontiers in Earth Science, have to use this link.
Conference Sponsors

(Abstracts and Papers)
See this video if you have any doubt about the registration process.